Monday, February 04, 2019

A new plan.....

Hmmmmmm I do love a plan.....
So if I can crochet 2 blocks and 2 Suffolk puffs  a day, I should have this quilt finished in approximately 1 month......

I thought if I put it on here then there might be a chance of it happening.....
I am on a very serious mission this year to get all the big things done and then to have fun with smaller projects....
Wish me luck.....
Hope I can stick to that.....



Susan said...

2 suffolk puffs sounds easy enough - Hope 2 blocks is too.

Pink Rose said...

Hi Helen love a good plan you can do it my friend,this is such a pretty project,hope you have a wonderful day Helen xx

Michelle Ridgway said...

It's a lovely project....good luck Helen x

Lynda said...

Of course you can :)

Maria said...

You go girl..... said...

Good luck with the plan, lovely project :)