Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Stitching with the girlies today and a finish......

We were working on our little group project today....
It is always fun working on things together.....

Teresa had a lovely surprise for us all .....
one each of course.....
a wonderful Steering Wheel cover, she is such a clever little possum....
Fits like a glove...... perfect.
I'm off to bowling tomorrow so it will get a work out in the car park....
OMG I hope it doesn't fade in the sun......

Love it Teresa..... thanks heaps.....

I also have a finish.....
it is a new project and number 12 on the UFO Challenge list.....
A great little "Rivendale Collection" pattern by Sally Giblin....

"Bee 'n' Blooms" 

 It is great to have an early finish.....

Yep it is time to go, lots more Miss Matty's Parlour hexies to do....

so Toodles.....

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Out and about with Gav.....

A little outing with Gavan....
we actually went to a car wash but got there to find it had  closed down so our poor car is still dirty.....
OMG I might have to do it by hand......lol.....
so on the way home we stopped at the "Green Frog Hollow" cafe.....
coffee and cake makes every outing worth while.....


Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Tuesday with the girls and other bits.....

Once again we had a fun day together..... 
giggling, eating and of course lots of chatter.....

We are working on a project together.....

" Home for Christmas" mini quilt by Cottage Creek Quilts.....

These are my January blocks for the No-Fuss-SAL.....

Well I must get my number 12 UFO challenge project ready....
I also have a few other projects to prepare so looks as though Thursday will be preparation day.....


Sunday, January 21, 2018

First get together for 2018

Sunday Stitchers get together for January.....

it was so nice to catch up with all the girls after the Christmas break.....

Morning tea......

Followed by lots of chatter and giggling.....
then show and tell.....
because we are NOT a boring group there is heaps to see.....
so brace yourself for photo overload.....

love this little quilt....

Looking very pleased with herself.....

Susan hiding behind her lovely quilt....

Tatyana.....very happy as usual.....

with her fiddly little bag....

Lucy Boston table topper.....

 Alison with her little helper....

Sandi with the same little helper.....

Now for the posers....

Posing over.....
Now for more serious stuff......

Teresa and Nor with their cute little Christmas candle mats....

Marilyn's blocks.... she escaped the photo.....

and yours truly with my Christmas candle mat ....
also my progress with Miss Matty's Parlour.....
oooooops another poser I guess.....

Susan was my little helper.....

I was working on more of my Miss Matty's hexies today.....

Most of the above projects were from our UFO list we have going....
we now move on to the next number on the list and it is......

ta.... da..... number 12 .......

Well that's all I have for today.....


Saturday, January 20, 2018

Not a lot to show for FNSI

Oh dear.... 
I didn't really achieve much for a night of stitching really but a little is better than nothing I guess.....

in my defence I am blaming the Tennis, how does one stitch and watch it I ask ?
I should admit that I found myself without a project ready as well.....
so here is my paltry effort ....

I will be better prepared for next month.....promise to myself.....
Thanks Wendy (Sugarlane Designs) for hosting this get together.....
go here to see what the other girls got up to last night.....

I do have a finish though.....

on Tuesday with the girls we started a project together,
it is a great little Christmas candle mat by Marg Low.....
really enjoyed doing this one....

Today I am in the sewing room preparing hexies for Miss Matty's Parlour.....
so it's Toodles from me again....

Friday, January 19, 2018

FNSI.... get together

is on tonight..... hosted by Wendy, pop over here and join in the fun.....

Friday Night Sew In (F.N.S.I.)

It 's nice to know that we will all be stitching up a storm together.....


Thursday, January 18, 2018

Sandi's little give -a -way.....

is having a little give -a -way,  she is celebrating her new blog......

So if you would like to win a little needle book with matching pin cushion pop over here 
and try your luck....
There will be 4 winners.....


Monday, January 15, 2018

Long story short......

Well here I go.....
some time ago (long time actually) I bought fabric and pattern for a beautiful quilt.....
I did make 3 of the appliqued blocks, other projects then took over so back in the cupboard it went.....
I then used the fabric for my 70th Birthday quilt..... so many lovely ladies made Teapot blocks for me, then I remembered the beautiful fabric I had in the cupboard earmarked for the other quilt.....
it was just perfect for the birthday quilt .....
so what to do with the 3 blocks.... back in the cupboard of course.....
I was given the beautiful doily bunting for Christmas from Sandi so in the sewing room it went but it just needed a couple of mini quilts to finish it all off.....
Light bulb moment.... the 3 blocks would be perfect .....
I was correct, I think they look fantastic....
I almost gave the 3 blocks to the local op shop, so glad I didn't ....
No waste.... all the fabric and blocks used so I'm very happy about that....

Phew.... that wasn't really a short story was it ?

First finish for the new year.....


Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Our first get together for the year.....

It was lovely to join the girls on Tuesday, seems like ages since our Christmas outing.....

Lots of chatting and catching up with news and gossip.....
Pushing on with the Ruth's quilt Stitch-a-long stitching.....

Sandi gave us all a little gift....
this very cute needle case and pin cushion....
How thoughtful of her to choose this picture for mine.....
A Gondola in Venice.....
memories of my 2016 holiday.....

Thanks heaps Sandi.....
I'm loving these tiny needle cases, great to put one in each project bag....


Sunday, January 07, 2018

UFO Challenge........

I'm Feverishly working on  Miss Matty's Parlour Quilt as part of the UFO challenge.....
2 is the number for January from the list.....with the Sunday Stitchers ......

I'm also doing the challenge privately with my dear friend Jenny and her number 2 is also Miss Matty.....

we both started on this quilt some time ago and decided this is the year it must be finished....
we will see how we go.......

Progress so far......
my layout for the first section......

should be able to show more soon.....


Thursday, January 04, 2018

Time to say good-bye.......

Tom's holiday has come to an end so here we are at the airport waiting for his flight home.....

Plane delayed a half an hour so a cuppa and something to eat will fill in the time.....

I thought a selfie was a good idea but as you can see it's not my strong point.....

Hopefully we will see him again soon.....
maybe the next school holidays.....


Wednesday, January 03, 2018

Christmas Pressies for the Tuesday girls.....

 I'm such a duffer, I totally forgot to take photos of the gifts I made for the girls.....
So I have pinched a couple of their photos......

Little Pears for Sandi.....

A pretty handbag with coin purse for Teresa

I will have to get a photo of Nor's another day.....

Toodles until then.....

Ruth's Quilt Stitch-a-long and other bits.....

December blocks......
I'm not in any hurry with this project......

Sandi gave me this lovely bunting for my Birthday.....
it does look lovely in the sewing room although this photo does look very boring.... 
I think I might make a few mini quilts for the space above the bunting.....
hmmmm oh gosh that means a new project..... lol....

A UFO Challenge for the Sunday Stitchers.....
organised by the lovely De, this is such a good idea.....
A list of 12... one per month...

A number is chosen each month and you work on that project for the month....
you can work on the item or finish one, totally up to you...
 January's number is 2.........
I hope to make good progress on my Miss Matty's Parlour quilt for the first project.

Oky doky that's it from me.....

Tuesday, January 02, 2018

Bringing in the New Year......

This was a fun way to bring in the new year.....
we joined Heather and Sylvio for a New Year lunch.....
We played games ... chatted and ate great food of course.....

Tom nearly wore the Pavlova.......

Our days of celebrating have changed quite a bit really we now watch the New Years Day concert on television.....
The Vienna Orchestra in Austria.....

Just beautiful.....

I wish everyone a very Happy and Safe New Year.....

I'm not one for making new year resolutions but this time I have made a little one to myself.....

hopefully to be a better blogger......

We will see how the goes......
