This was a very unusual outing for us....
"Seniors week"
The Logan Council had an event for seniors week so Sandi thought it was a good idea to check it out.....
It turned out being a great fun day.....
Nor and Sandi tried the virtual glasses....
Teresa and I had fun watching these 2.....
Nor was obsessed with getting a free bucket.....
So after standing in a long queue we all got one......
We also potted succulents in a glass jar...
Gosh it's fun attending "oldies" day.....
On the way back to my home for stitching we decided we had to have scones, jam and cream so a quick stop at Woolies.....
Sooo pleased we did , they were yum.....
A busy day but heaps of fun and laughter and of course NO stitching.....