September 2020 our lovely Grandson Jake rang to say he had been diagnosed with
Ewing Sarcoma which is a bone cancer, it was in his hip and very aggressive so life changed for him in a big way.....
He was only 24years old just starting out in life with his girlfriend Hollie....
Jake is on the right.....
The long journey of chemo treatments were started immediately ......

Many months of ups and downs for him with heaps of treatments loss of hair he kept his amazing up beat attitude and positivity that he would "smash" this thing as he put it.....
but of course the journey was very difficult, Hollie who just happens to be a surgical nurse in a children's hospital was a fantastic help for him.....
Christmas week he had a hip replacement so a very quiet time for him to recover....
he was always a very sporty person and his work was also physical so lots of changes for him in the future....
Christmas 2020 after his op....
We didn't get to see him very much over the months due to his low immunity and the worry of the covid virus..... they took every precaution and Hollie was very strict which was very important for him.....He had many more chemo treatments after the op just to be sure......
The week before his diagnosis they had just signed a contract to build their first home together which gave them both something positive to look forward to....
So all after all that 2021 is looking sooooo wonderful for them.....
Jake has now no sign of the cancer but of course he will be monitored for quite a long time to come.....
Their home was finished and then we got these photos....
Jake has kept up his positivity during this time and we are so proud of him.....
One very strong young man.....
He has been soooo lucky to have a wonderful partner in Hollie she has been a rock and we all love her to bits....
We are just so excited for them.....
they have been through so much together and their future is looking bright.....
Lots of love from all the family ......
A truly good news ending I think.....
I went a bit quiet in blogging for a long time, it seemed to knock the wind out of me.....
Back to it now though......
Happy Stitching.....