Monday, September 17, 2012

Essential buys and another block

 Its always nice to get little parcels in the post especially when they are wrapped like a pressie .... "Cat' n Cart Crafts" make buying very special.
These goodies are of course essential buys so that makes it okay... more dolly bits and bobs.
And yes its another block done, its so good to be motoring along with this quilt.
It has taken me a while to get going but there's no stopping me now.


Anonymous said...

good on you Helen and some nice buying there.xx

De said...

Love the buttons on your shoes! Pretty parcels are always the best!

Noela said...

More dolly bits. Does this mean we will be seeing a new dolly or two in the near future. Hugs......

Susan said...

Love the shoes!! very elegant.

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Nice goodies the shoes...

CatNCart Craft said...

Thanks for being a great customer I love pretty parcels myself, that is why I love packing orders.
Cannot wait to see the new dolls with your hair (essential buys)