Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Getting there slowly....

 The Double Wedding Ring quilt is coming along nicely.... 

a little slow but I'm happy with the way it looks....

I must have the top finished by the end of this month....

Well that is the plan.....

The Steady Thread blackwork is progressing well....

keeping up with the weekly flowers, just need to get the surrounding vine on track....

This is so funny.... 
or at least I think so....

Corinne's dog "Franklin" turned 1 year old the other day....

A couple of photos she sent me....

He is more human than dog, I think.....

He goes to Daycare once a week.....
So they gave him a party ....
He also does dog training there....

We sure do spoil our pets these days....

Not me.... 

Honey isn't spoilt at all....

enjoying the air-con........

What a life....

Toodles for now....


Maria said...

Your Blackwork ( coloured work ) is looking lovely…
Oh NO our pets are definitely not spoilt…..😀

Lin said...

I do like your double wedding ring top and the blackwork is looking very pretty. xx

Fiona said...

Both pretty projects ..... the dog party is a bit funny.... I'm a bad pet mom I don't even know when the cat was born (ooops)