Saturday, February 15, 2025

Blackwork progress and other stuff.....

 Yesterday I worked on the blackwork, it is coming along nicely and I am enjoying the journey....

I'm concentrating on the vine work plus doing each weekly flower.....

It does look better when pressed..... lol

One of our Needle Girls had a birthday yesterday... 

We went into party mode of course.....


Party hats, lunch, cake, pressies....

Happy Birthday Lynda....

A project bag and needle case I made for Lynda,

Obviously she likes Guinea Pigs....

That's it for now....



Maria said...

The Blackwork looks like a fun project to sit and stitch.
So good Lynda had a great birthday celebrated with her friends.
A great gift you made for her.

loulee said...

Winnie Pigs!! I love them too. Your needlework is looking lovely.

Lin said...

Your blackwork is so pretty and a great gift for your friend. xx

Fiona said...

your blackwork is looking good.... the vines seem to take ages - its all that counting!! haha.... lovely case you made for Lynda...

Susan said...

Good to see Lynda in the spotlight!

Susan said...

I am testing for you too,,,,