Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Trying to stay on track....

 Progress on several projects has been a bit slow of late.....

I joined the  FPP project with  Quiet Play.....

Sweet little 6 1/5 " blocks,  9 in the series....

Back to Nature QAL

Numbers ....1 to 4

Number... 5

Number...6 and 7

Only 2 to go.... some have been quite challenging, more about my silly mistakes really,  they have been fun to do though....

I'm on a mission to get my Knitted Jacket done....

I'd like to wear it to Melbourne in 5 weeks so those needles with be running hot....

Only a sleeve and front bands to go....

Wish me luck....



Michelle Ridgway said...

Helen your blocks are amazing! Well done! Your cardy looks beautiful and lovely and warm. Perfect for Melbourne xx

Maria said...

Those blocks are gorgeous and good on you for doing those small EPPed blocks.
Hope you get that lovely jumper finished in time.. looks cosy.

Susan said...

for some reason I hadn't noticed some of your recent posts...but here I am - of course great looking blocks & jacket!

dq said...

The FPP blocks are adorable, and the white afghan is so beautiful!