Monday, August 24, 2015

Finishes at last

My Felt Christmas Train is finally finished and I'm soooo happy with it.....

Hexie quilt top is also finished and now off to Sarah for quilting.......

Mel's progress.....

 quilting and squaring up the little quilt is done, now for the binding lesson.
She is going very well.

I went to the Dentist last Friday...... so I figured I deserved a treat for being soooo brave.

It was a bit hard to eat with numb lips though..... lol.... but I managed.

 I have another appointment this Friday so another treat will be in order......
what will I get this time ?

Hmmmmmm thinking thinking.....


Anonymous said...

lol love how you treat yourself Helen after the dentist,i am guessing maybe a vanilla slice after the next visit. I love your felt train Helen it is so very cute,and your quilt looks amazing,well done.
Mel is doing so well with her quilt ,hard to believe that she is a beginner,hope you have a lovely evening my friend xx

Anonymous said...

You deserve each present that you give to yourself any chance you can get it. Dental visits tend to be a steep climb for some people, because that's a mountain of uncertainties they will have to conquer. But as always, high risk equals huge rewards. So do not hesitate to reward yourself for it. Cheers!

Benny Murray @ Dental Care Of South Jersey

Susan said...

I must admit I am not fond of going to the dentist either - but I guess if I reward myself it might be easier to take... - I'm sticking with Benny above...(though I bet you didn't go to South Jersey for your appointment!!!)
looks like Mel might be ready to tackle the big one now.

Sandi said...


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