'FRIENDS' parcel is on its way to Yana my partner so get it to her safely Mr. Postie, this is a terrific swap organised by Khris from Sew Prim Khris.
Another lovely Annie Smith " Country Keepsakes" doll called Dream Angel, isn't she the cutest thing ? Such fun to make, we have a small group on Saturdays at Tereasa's shop "Homespun and Beautiful" a little dolly club I guess you could say .... we will have another doll finished next week and she is also a cutie.
Ain't she sweet.....
Of course while I was at the shop I had to buy these wonderful fabrics ready for next years quilt, which we may be doing in the "Stitch-a-long" with Chookyblue.
Also the 5th block of the "Breast of Friends" quilt bites the dust, lots more to go but it will be done.
Last but not least is my lovely g/daughter Corinne with her new (secondhand) car, here she is checking the oil and water..... good girl.
She is wearing the biggest grin.... so happy she now has her wheels.
This weekend she came for a visit and was showing off the great wax and polish job she as done on the car, it did look so shiny....... well done kiddo.
Another "Faeries in My Garden" Gift of the Month project finished, lots of work in this one. I'm been doing this one with Teresa, we thought it would be nice to have it finished for christmas and looks like we have made it.... phew..... Teresa will post about hers very soon.
There are a few lovely charms on it which really gives it interest.
Its hard to see the beautiful fabric in these photos as its a bit shiny but hopefully you can see it okay.
I'd also like to introduce Sandi at "Sew Moore with Sandi" she is new to blogland so pop over and make her feel welcome, she's another very busy crafter and has lots to show..... don't forget to leave her a comment.
I just found this great idea on Shez's blog so I thought I would give it a go, its always good to join other crafty friends and hopefully get a few projects done too. If you would like to join in the fun pop over to Heidi's blog and check it out.
I know ..... silly question..... mine is now wearing a little pieced number made out of scraps and of course the iron has its own block to stand on. I got the pattern from the Moda site, I haven't quilted it as they seem to wear out so fast seemed to be a waste of time, I just popped it over the old one .... now I have to make a cover for my old chair as its looking a bit unhappy being left out.
You really would think I have more important things to do and yes you are right .... I have..... but its nice to do something quick and easy for a change, it really cheers up the sewing too.
Oh well off to the next project. I hope you are having a good day and getting lots of stitching done.
Lots of news today... we went to the Beaudesert Quilters Retreat at Mt. Tamborine last weekend, fortunately it wasn't as cold as last year and of course we did enjoy ourselves. We went to Gallery Walk for coffee and cake, then on to look at a few of the shops then back to the retreat.
I'm a Mum to 1 fantastic son and 2 beautiful daughters I'm also Nan to 5 super grandchildren, 1 great grandson and not forgetting my Hubby...Gavan of 58 years.
I enjoy lots of crafts but embroidery would be my first love followed closely by quilting, patchwork and the list goes on. I like to have a go at new crafts when I can. We have lived in Jimboomba QLD for 33 years. I hope you enjoy your visit to my blog.