Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Projects on the go....

 One minute I don't seem to have any hand stitching to do and then there is a lot to do.....

I have started the quilt "Bloom and Grow" by Natalie bird, 

only a little progress at this stage....

This is a cross stitch I'm doing with my sewing group....


this is a project I have signed up for..... probably didn't need a new project....

but..... what the heck.... lol

It is a SAL, 1 small design inserted in the cirlces a week for the year....



Susan said...

Your Tiny Town is going very well.

Maria said...

All three stitching projects look like fun to play with.

loulee said...

Lots of folks are doing that Blackwork freebie. He pieces are always very pretty. Your Bloom and Grow is off to a good start and the cross stitch looks great.

Fiona said...

Lovely having hand work.... I am doing that blackwork also... those little leaves do take ages!!!

Michelle Ridgway said...

Love all your projects. Always nice to have hand sewing on the go x