Who knows ..... I don't that's for sure but I'm here now to finish off my retreat photos......
Tucker time....
We had a little baby shower for the lovely Tatyana..... Mum-to-be......
A trip to Bryson's for coffee and cake ...... we are so naughty but its become a part of our get away.
We are not sure what was going on with Tereasa but she was almost running out of fingers....... band aids on both hands..... cutting herself to pieces.
Here she is walking in the secret garden.
We had a visitor too...... Fiona and it was great to see her and I'm sure she loved her trip to Bryson's.
Fiona and Michelle.
Fiona surprised us with a game for us to play that evening, lovely pressies she made too.
This is the pressie I won...... very cute don't you think..... Thanks so much Fiona we had lots of laughs.
A few little purchases for me...... more things to make.....
Yes I did do some sewing but I can't show you as its secret swap stuff....... I also got a lot of my table runner done but forgot to take a photo but its nearly finished so you will just have to wait to see it later.
Well here we are ready to go home..... sadly..... but I think the happy faces say it all really.....
Thanks for all the fun girls..... loved it as usual and can't wait till next time.
from the back.... Michelle, Tatyana, Sandi, Jenny, Jen, Norreen, Teresa, me and Tereasa.
My Temperature Tree ..
16 hours ago