Here is the last block of the Vintage Valentine quilt, I have the border fabric so now all I need is the time to finish it. I'm making this quilt especially to put on my bed so the old bedspread will have to go and other things in the room will also have to change, when its all done I will put more piccies here. Below is the quilt on the bed at the moment its "Angel Story " by Anni Downs so I'll have to find another spot for it, not sure where yet.
Lynette Anderson has put a thread on her blog asking "What Quilts On Your Bed ? so take a look and you are able to go to other blogs and see lovely quilts, its such a great idea thanks Lynette.
To begin this little story we must go back 12 months, my hubbie "Gavan" wanted to learn to fly ultralight planes so he began at a flying school at Boonah, so every week he would go saying " one day will you come with me after I get my licence ?" and of course I said " yes dear... one day" naturally thinking that it would take sooooo long I would give it more thought when the time was closer.... Well its now time , several weeks ago he got his licence so he asked " will you come for a fly next week dear? " so what could one say " oh yes dear I.... think .... I would love to" so today was the day ..... I thought I would need proof of my trip so here are a few piccies.
Here I am just before we went up, cute little plane don't you think? Its called a "Tecnam Golf"
I looked at the control panel and hoped he knew what he was doing.
Taking off and going up to about 2000 feet.
Didn't like the look of the rain in the distance but we changed direction so all was good.
Below you can see our town of Jimboomba, can't show our house as I wasn't going to lean out and take a piccie, not that game. In the distance ... the large white buildings are Woolworths shopping centre and a school which is the centre of our suburb.
A view of the hills.
This photo was taken as we were coming in for our landing, the long green grassie area is the air strip.
And here I am ... headphones and all, I did enjoy the trip and Gavan made me feel very safe so I'm still here to tell the tale and yes I will go again, he has to do his navigation endorsement yet so then we could go a bit further away.
After all the excitement was over we went to lunch at a very nice old local pub then off home.
Here is Gavan waiting for our lunch to arrive.
" The sparrow" bit in the heading is a nickname given to me by my crafty friends, they reckon I eat like a sparrow as I don't eat very big meals. Funny little girls aren't they.
Its so hard to imagine how the people in Melbourne must be feeling, its terrible to lose their homes but to lose family and friends is just shocking, also the flood victims in Queensland, my thoughts are with them all. We really don't appreciate what we have until something like this happens and then it makes us think how lucky we are.
This is a block from "Girls Day Out" quilt by Libby Richardson, I meet with friends every Tuesday at our local craft shop "Raggedy Station" and we are all making this quilt, we have begun with block 5 some using different colours/fabrics which makes it more interesting, it will take a while as we are only doing 1 block every 2 months so our other projects don't get behind. I know its strange to begin with block 5 but after much coffee and chatter that was the choice, its great to be doing this together as it helps with the motivation.
I'm a Mum to 1 fantastic son and 2 beautiful daughters I'm also Nan to 5 super grandchildren, 1 great grandson and not forgetting my Hubby...Gavan of 58 years.
I enjoy lots of crafts but embroidery would be my first love followed closely by quilting, patchwork and the list goes on. I like to have a go at new crafts when I can. We have lived in Jimboomba QLD for 33 years. I hope you enjoy your visit to my blog.