Saturday, February 15, 2025

Blackwork progress and other stuff.....

 Yesterday I worked on the blackwork, it is coming along nicely and I am enjoying the journey....

I'm concentrating on the vine work plus doing each weekly flower.....

It does look better when pressed..... lol

One of our Needle Girls had a birthday yesterday... 

We went into party mode of course.....


Party hats, lunch, cake, pressies....

Happy Birthday Lynda....

A project bag and needle case I made for Lynda,

Obviously she likes Guinea Pigs....

That's it for now....


Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Getting there slowly....

 The Double Wedding Ring quilt is coming along nicely.... 

a little slow but I'm happy with the way it looks....

I must have the top finished by the end of this month....

Well that is the plan.....

The Steady Thread blackwork is progressing well....

keeping up with the weekly flowers, just need to get the surrounding vine on track....

This is so funny.... 
or at least I think so....

Corinne's dog "Franklin" turned 1 year old the other day....

A couple of photos she sent me....

He is more human than dog, I think.....

He goes to Daycare once a week.....
So they gave him a party ....
He also does dog training there....

We sure do spoil our pets these days....

Not me.... 

Honey isn't spoilt at all....

enjoying the air-con........

What a life....

Toodles for now....

Tuesday, February 04, 2025

Projects progress.....

Something looks a bit odd here.....

The shape of the leaf design on the left circle.....

I need to do some counting of stitches ato solve the problem and then hopefully I can catch up with the SAL plan.... 

I have finished this cross stitch except for a couple of very tiny buttons to add.....
Deciding what to do with it now is the next problem....

I will call the next project.....

Diamond Dot with my daughters....

DDD..... lol

My Liz has been doing diamond dot craft for quite a while now.....

Heather has joined in with her as it is something they can enjoy together.....

Sadly neither of them sew but, rather than get left out I decided to join in the fun....

We will get together from time to time to work on our projects.....

Unfortunately on our first get together Liz contracted Covid so wasn't able to join in....

Heather has found a craft that she enjoys... horses are her true love really....

Can you tell how much fun she is having.... lol

She even made morning tea....
It was yum....

As you can see my project is sewing related.... 

Not a lot of thinking required to do this, but lots of giggles which is nice....

Can't wait for Liz to join us.....

That's it for today....


Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Projects on the go....

 One minute I don't seem to have any hand stitching to do and then there is a lot to do.....

I have started the quilt "Bloom and Grow" by Natalie bird, 

only a little progress at this stage....

This is a cross stitch I'm doing with my sewing group....


this is a project I have signed up for..... probably didn't need a new project....

but..... what the heck.... lol

It is a SAL, 1 small design inserted in the cirlces a week for the year....


Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Great news to tell.....

We had so much fun helping June choose her wedding dress...
Of course, I can't show that photo.....
I have to say .... 
it is really gorgeous.....
I'm not biased at all.... hehehe
June .... 
my beautiful granddaughter.....

The wedding will be on the 6th July this year....
The venue was the next outing, it is wonderful, so lucky to be included in all the excitement.....

Now for the work bit for me....

Yes... I am making another Double Wedding Ring quilt....

Eeeeek ....
I do need to get a move on with it....
Fabric chosen and a start made last week....
here is my progress so far....

Red is June's favourite colour....
Pav likes blue... 
It is nice to incorporate their favourites in the quilt....

I always said " I will never make a quilt pattern more than once" 
silly statement I I go for the third time....
these are so special.....

No other craft going on here at the moment.... 

Toodles for now.....

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Always trying to catch up....

 I have been struggling to keep my blog going for a while now ( long long time )....

So.... I'll give it another go and see how 2025 works out for me....

I did do some crafting over the last weeks of December last year....

Just small projects, it was a little challenge I did with my Needle Girl friends.....

Very pleased with this lot.....

Catchup posts to follow with hopefully lots of show and tell....


Monday, November 11, 2024

New grandson Bodhi....

 Because I have been such a slack blogger I totally missed adding this to my blog.....

It was soooo exciting to have a new baby in the family...

Second Great Grandson....



He is such a cutie.....

Very proud Mum.... Courtney....

And Dad....Clayton....

Very happy "Ninny" my Liz....
She is different .... 
hence she wants to called Ninny.... lol
She is Clayton's Mum....

Aunty Heather.....

Then me....Great Nan....

Did I make a quilt..... of course I did....

The theme they chose was Jungle....

It is Jason Yenter fabric and very cute.....

A little bit big for him just now but he will grow....

So much excitement when there is a new born in the family....
