Well this is a bit different than sewing but a great way to get exercise I suppose....
I've been helping Heather with her fences.....
It's not perfect but we are very pleased with our efforts....
Heather was given a lot of used copper logs so working with these wasn't easy really but we did it....

We even did a mitred corner....
have to add a little bit of sewing to this job....
Once again not perfect but good enough for us girls....
She will be adding electric tape to these fences just in case....
fortunately her horses are very respectful around the tape....
Still a bit more to do.... strapping and nailing .....
Today was separating paddocks with electric fencing....
All for her babies.....
JIGSAW 18.1 hands.....
Clydesdale cross Thoroughbred
FLYNN 2 year old...
SAM also a 2 year old.....
he is arriving soon....
OMG I was soooo tired after 4 days work.....
think I might be getting tooooo old for this lark.....
We had fun with it though, lots of giggling and chatting.....
Next time Heather asks me to come for coffee I might think twice.....
All jokes aside I did enjoy helping her......
No sewing to show though...